Our film trailer is out!

Solidarity? Revealing the Everyday Lived Reality of Covid-19 in Kliptown, Soweto

1955 Films presents: This film has been shot and driven by the people living the story. It reflects on the everyday lived realities for the residents of Kliptown's shack communities as they face the threat of the Covid-19 disease. It shows the urgency of today's pandemic set within a neighbourhood that has been neglected by the government for decades. It tells the individual stories of the people living there and of an extraordinary group of residents who are heroically fighting to slow the transmission of the virus in their community.

Thabang Nkwanyana photographer

Ginger Mahlamvu photographer

Bafana Nkosi photographer

Sbusiso Somniso aka Demigod postproduction editor

Thabang Nkwanyana director

Kristen Kornienko producer

Robert Shai community liaison and location scout

© 1955

1955 Films is part of the Kliptown social enterprise startup 1955. Find out more about 1955 at www.1955.co.za


We’re making a documentary film: “Solidarity? Revealing the everyday lived reality of Covid-19 in Kliptown, Soweto”