1955 partners with local skaters, Johannesburg based Afreetecture, UN Habitat Global Public Spaces Programme and Block by Block for a community-based collaboration to design a skatepark and maker-space project in Kliptown, Soweto, South Africa

design process

Dreams, rivers, snakes and people: recovering the gathering table through design proecess

Who is invited to the design table? A question towards power structures of white supremacy and justice of knowledge systems.

Thabang Nkwanyana sets the stage for the design process. Bafana Gumede's riverside drawings showing the Klip River, Ancestors, and colonial lineage as well as ourselves in conversation around the skatepark design. Kristen Kornienko's graphic novel inset digests her own white privilege and humility.

images from our ongoing project…

december 2024 workshops - empowering change to the built environment through art

december 2023 workshops - skatepark design through Minecraft and ChatGPT platforms

as Kliptown recovers from catastrophic flooding, we respond with beauty: cleaning up waste plastic and creating community murals with bottle caps

1,100 bottle caps = 1 square meter of mural

partnering economic development with the skatepark: collaborating to make waste plastic stateboard decks through local youth entrepreneurship

come join us for upcoming events