Make a plastic face shield from a 2L bottle and a cap

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-15 at 1.23.09 PM.jpeg

Below are a series of images detailing an easy process for turning a 2L waste plastic bottle into a face shield.

You will need: 2L bottle, cap, cutting blade, and a needle and strong thread, string or wire.

The following has been put together with the best information I can find and in collaboration with two physicians.

Why make a shield?

The plastic face shield alone cannot stop the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. It can stop larger liquid droplets from hitting your face and it can stop you from touching your face - both of these can be sources of transmission of the virus. So it can be a first line of defence. For protection from the virus you need to also where a tight fitting medical grade face mask under the shield. Research to date is showing that homemade masks do not stop the intake of the virus, only that they may help an infected person not spread the virus by stopping their droplet spray coming from their nose and mouth. Therefore homemade masks under the shield are not enough to protect from getting the virus.

We are making the shields primarily because we are spraying dilute bleach solution to sanitize surfaces in communal use areas such as toilets. And we are making them as a first line of defence to protect ourselves when we deliver supplies to many people. We also wear gloves. Remember gloves can become contaminated and then you touch your face and transmission of the virus can occur.

For spraying we follow these guidelines:

  • Always use a face shield when spraying diluted bleach solution.

  • Use only your own face shield, do not share shields with others.

  • Make sure that the face is well covered by the protective plastic.

  • When finished with spraying, carefully clean both the inside and outside surfaces of the plastic by rinsing with clean water, allow to air dry.

  • If the outside surface appears dirty or has visible spatters, clean the surface with soap and water, then rinse and air dry.

Download and share 1955’s publication or PowerPoint presentation: steps for making a plastic face shield from a 2L bottle and cap.

a paper mock-up of the face shield: in total made from two pieces

a paper mock-up of the face shield: in total made from two pieces

points of connection to the cap

points of connection to the cap

what you are making

what you are making

remember that you will actually be using the bottle upside, the curve at the top of the bottle becomes the tight fit around your chin at the bottom of the mask

remember that you will actually be using the bottle upside, the curve at the top of the bottle becomes the tight fit around your chin at the bottom of the mask


A bit of history on 1955: where our ideas come from